The Vanhee pigeon feed and complementary products designed to ensure an optimal performance and perfect health of your pigeons have been developed and prepared as the result of over 80 years and 3 generations of scientific research and practical field testing.
Losing and winning performances in pigeon racing are decided in terms of mere seconds.
The exceptional performance levels that you expect from your pigeons can only be achieved through the administration of exceptional feed compositions and their health products, consisting of the very best in raw materials and blended in optimal proportions.
Vitamins and minerals are indispensable items in the normal life cycle processes of the pigeon. Any shortcoming in the supply of these elements will have irreparable consequences for the pigeon : e.g., retarded growth, diminished performance capacity, and a lowered natural resistance to a variety of diseases and illnesses. The supply of these vitamins and minerals happens normally by means of the grain mixes. But scientific research has demonstrated that these mixes are not capable of supplying all of the elements in the necessary quantities. Moreover, at certain defined and very important times in the pigeon’s life cycle, the need for the administering of vitamins and minerals lies markedly higher than what is considered a normal standard, so that the extra provision of a full range of vitamins and mineral preparations can hardly be called a superfluous luxury. The need for this extra supply definitely applies during the growth period, the time when young pigeons develop their feather coats, for pigeons during the moulting season (moulting does place extra stress on the pigeons), and for pigeons that are recovering from serious illnesses such as common cold infections, intestinal problems, infestation by worms, and the like.). And, finally, there are the long and exhausting flights that are placing extra strain on the metabolism and increase the need for significant quantities of extra vitamins and minerals.
A responsible administration of extra vitamins cannot but bring about favourable results during the moulting, breeding and the racing season.
Some years back, Vanhee Products expanded its product assortment to include a range of natural products. These herbal preparations are designed to improve the general condition of the pigeons (at the same time, note that these herbs are also well known and used for human consumption: Echinacea, Creatine, Propolis, Guarana, …). These natural products promote healthy digestion processes, protect the stomach and digestive systems, function as blood-purifying agents, stimulate the incentive for active flight, improve defence mechanisms, and increase bodily resistance.
Vanhee Products offer a complete assortment of products that answers to your racing and fancy pigeons’ daily needs and is designed for all seasons.
80 years of pigeon racing
80 years ago, the foundations of the world famous strain of her grandfather Gerard were laid. In 1949, he could raise the flag in Wervik for the first national race in Châteauroux.
Michel & Gerard Vanhee : unmatched achievement record on a world scale !
- 21 x 1st national victories
- 16 x 2nd national victories
- 2 x 1st international victories
- 4 x 1st National Champion Long Distance Race KBDB
- 2 x 1st General Champion of Belgium KBDB
- 3 x Olympic gold medal
- 2 x Olympic silver medal
- …
Due to Gerard’s age, Michel took over the lead since years until September 23rd, 1998.
Although Annemie was thrown in the middle of matters connected with pigeons due to a sudden death of her father Michel (he died in a tragic car accident), she took a bold and very hard decision to try to follow the steps of the Vanhee family, thus continue the work to which her grandfather Gerard and father Michel had dedicated their lives. Everyone knew that she faced almost an impossible task, but her self-assurance and confidence in the Vanhee pigeons did wonders.
In 1999, all the pigeons were sold, but in memory of her father Michel, Annemie bred nestlings of the best pigeons before they left their home. In this way, the world famous breeding lines were obtained, such as “Atoom”, “Motta”, “Patrick”, “Napoleon” and the old “Janssen“.
Apart from a pigeon loft used by Michel, several new garden pigeon lofts were built. First young pigeons were placed there in the summer of 2001.
This was the third generation of the Vanhees and Annemie quite quickly proved that this sport runs in her veins. She takes care about all the pigeons.
After almost three years of pigeon racing, she has surprised many people, her name can be found in the front ranks of the most difficult flights, quite often even on the top position.
In order to honour her late father, Annemie has decided to take part in races under the name of A. & M. Vanhee.
We wish you a lot of success in your pigeon racing, using the Vanhee products.

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The recommended dosage has been calculated on the basis of pigeons with an average weight of 500 g. For fancy pigeons, we recommend that you adjust the dosage depending on the bird’s individual weight.